• greenclubnigeria@gmail.com
What is the Food-Energy-Water Nexus?

What is the Food-Energy-Water Nexus?

Food, Energy, Water……..without these resources, life as we know it cannot exist. The sun provides energy to plants for photosynthesis during which sugars are produced. For sugars to be formed, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and hydrogen from water. With energy from the sun, CO2 from the atmosphere, and hydrogen from water, plants are able to grow and…

Can we harness energy from Hurricanes?

Can we harness energy from Hurricanes?

  In the midst of the deadly rush of wind and raging storms signaling an impending tornado, one is compelled to rush indoors to a safe, windowless place well within a building structure to escape the impending danger. Watching the storm unleash devastation, you wonder what could be the cause of Mother Nature flexing her meteorological muscle. About 600 Terra Watts…

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